Friday 15 July 2011

Pang-Lhabsol is a local festival celebrated in Ravongla during the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the Tibetan Calender.
The festival is celebrated in a grand manner just above the small town of Ravongla at Kagyud Thekchenling Monastery for a minimum of 3 days.The entire festival comprises of The Warrior Dance (Pangtoed Chaam),National & State level Volleyball Open Tournament,Music fest,Cultural Programmes,Traditional Expo cum fare etc.
The history of Pang Lhabsol is vague with only a few facts underlying it to be a sacred festival where in the locals perform the Warrior Dance (Pangtoed Chaam) to show their gratitude towards Mt Kanchendzonga which is also considered to be the guardian diety of Sikkim. The local folks of the area have been continuing this tradition for the past 28 years.
It is a moment wherein the entire town gets united as one so to take this festival to its grandeour and also carve a way to show the sacred and original rituals of Sikkim which our people have been following for ages.